Sunday, January 25, 2009

Current Event 1

The article i read was from and titled "Crowley: Balance of power trying to find balance"
It discussed how Congress is already steaming with the Democrats now in control. While you would expect the main power struggle to be between the Democrats and the Republicans, it seems as if the struggle to find balance is between Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. With the Democrats in control, Pelosi and Reid have more power than even in their respective houses, and they're not letting go. Pelosi is pissed because she wants to see the Bush tax cuts rolled back now, while Obama has remained rather silent on this issue since taking office. She also wants to launch an investigation in the Bush administration, while Obama feels there are more important things to handle: like the war and the economic depression we're currently facing.

Little battles like this usually happen when a new president takes over, but i personally think Pelosi is getting a little ahead of herself here. Instead of spending so much time establishing her own power, she should focus on accomplishing what's necessary now. I dont think it's a really huge issue at this point, but it could become rather annoying as Obama tries to move forward and bring the change he promised.

This article was relevant to what we are studying in class because it deals with the executive branch working with the Speaker of the House to get legislative bills passed in Congress.

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